Friday 25 June 2010

Bug Club

If you like bugs then my garden would have been Paradise for you today, they were everywhere and so many I have never seen before. This one was only one millimeter long but I could make out droplets of something stuck to its back. Now this could be the same creature but this had no droplets but did have a yellow dot instead. The Ants were acting strangely today. They were devouring something at the very top of a tall Foxglove and taking it in turns patrolling up and down the plant stem. There were Spiders everywhere too, I spotted this one on my Radishes right next to some more Caterpillars. Yesterday these caterpillars looked just like black dots, can't believe how quick they grow. Talking of veggies, my Strawberries are still producing a bumper crop. I got another 2 bowls full this evening. My mum spotted this unusual looking fly and took a photo of it for me, haven't a clue what it is but the back is such an unusual shape. I found the shell of a Black Beetle which was shining radiantly blue in the sunshine. Oh one last thing, my potatoes are coming through. I spotted a couple breaking the the soil today, now when should I pick them?

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