Friday, 9 April 2010

Swallows Arrive


Spring is definitely here as I saw my first swallows flying above the garden today. They weren't the only things flying over, I spotted this Paraglider going over at lunch time. The hedges got cut today, I always like cutting them just before the nesting period starts, so we don't disturb promising residents. In the wild spot I found lots of snail shells where a Thrush has been using the Oil Tank, of all things, as an Anvil stone. There were lambs everywhere today. They've managed to get out of the field and are all over the track and hill. It's great to watch them spring around, I could watch them for hours. I didn't realise until today just how many types of Daffodils we have in the garden, every one different in colour and size. The primulas my mum planted last year are looking beautiful too. This evening I sat out with the chimnea burning and a nice glass of port, it was bliss. Last year Black ear seemed to not mind me taking his photo or just my watching him potter around, this year he is so so nervous, almost like a different hedgehog. I wonder if he'll calm down as the season moves on.

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