Well we've had two more new visitors to the garden today. Two male Reed Buntins, how lovely is that. I wonder why their timings are so bad to meet the females. Unless it's deliberate and they like migrating with their male buddies and meet up with the ladies at the last possible moment down the coast? When I was looking at my blog last night I noticed how similar a Male Reed Bunting is to a Male Sparrow.
Take a look back at yesterdays photo of Sparrow which is just above the photo of Wednesdays Reed Bunting, its remarkable how similar they are. I took this photo the other day of the woodpecker feeding along side the little Blue Tit.
Yesterday I noticed the branches above the summer house which we chopped off last year were changing. It had initially looked like blood pouring from the wound last year but now it's actually starting to turn white.
We had lots of rain today and this little Robin decided to take shelter under the garden table.
This Coal Tit decided to brave the weather and got totally drenched instead.


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