Male Siskin
Well from one extream to another, I didn't get the chance to sit and watch the feeder at all today. I did have a cup of tea at the top of the garden and noticed lots on new plants springing into life. The day before yesterday I planted a forsythia that my mum had brought from the Conwy Seed Fair for me. I didn't realise until today that there is already one right at the back of the garden. It only has a few flowers on it unlike my mum's which is bursting in colour, but it is at least 6 foot tall. How did I miss that all these years?
The bramble is growing well and starting to cover the heather I planted last year on the bank.
I spotted this flower which I think is Chickweed growing next to the summer house.
Oh I spotted this on the larch tree and I was wondering if it is a baby cone? It's a bright pink flower right now but the shape is right. The rest of the branches are covered in green nodules, which will soon turn into needles.
The snow is starting to melt, leaving these wonderful patterns on the grass.
I took this photo yesterday of a Nuthatch enjoying some sunflower seeds.
This male Sparrow was sheltering from the snow.


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