Sunday, 21 March 2010


What another incredibly lovely day I've had today. We've had a new visitor, first new one in ages. To be honest I'm not 100% sure what he/she is but I'm guessing it may be a female Reed Bunting or at least from the Bunting family. It's very beautiful whatever it is and to make it even better, I noticed it has a ring on its leg. So at some point, either as a chick or as an adult being caught in a net, it has been handled and logged on some chart somewhere. I can almost work out the numbers on the ring so maybe I'll be able to find out just where this fellow came from. It could be quite a coincidence too as last year on 15th of April we had a visit from our first and only ever Male Reed Bunting to the garden, thats only a few weeks difference. The afternoon brought heavy rain but I still had a wonderful time. I went up to the top of the garden and sat in my Summer House. I took a hot water bottle, cup of tea and my camera and sat there on my rocking chair, with my feet up for hours. The rain was beating hard on the roof which made it feel so cosy inside. Oh I almost forgot, our first Daffodil flowered today. The bunch is quite stunted in height and I wonder if that's why they've flowered sooner than the others in the garden. A couple of the Primulas are out too. Before the rain came today I was watching the little Bunting? when two Great Tits flew past the window followed by a Sparrow Hawk both escaped and ended up in a bush near my window. One of them was so close I'm sure I could see him panting. You could tell he was very shook up as he stood on that branch with his head fully stretched high flicking his head from side to side.

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