Wednesday 26 May 2010


'The Wild Bit'

Well I better start with news of TINTIN the racing pigeon who arrived yesterday. I contacted the Royal Pigeon Association who gave me the telephone number of the owner in Reading! Initially the owner sounded excited that I'd found his precious bird that was until he realised I was in Snowdonia. He then didn't want to know, said it would cost him £35 to have him picked up and what use is a bird that can't fly. 'My Garden Blue Tit'
He didn't even want my phone number. So I called the RPA again and they informed me that he is honour bound to collect the bird otherwise he would be struck off as a member and be unable to compete again. They were very nice and even arranged for a local member to collect the bird tomorrow. Sadly when I went to check on TINTIN this afternoon, he had died. Very sad. 'Blue Tit parent'
On a happier note I've found out I'd been mentioned on the Royal Horticultural Society's official blog. It was a while back but they mentioned me and my blog which is so exciting.
Link: Woodpeckers find a louder drum - Miranda Hodgson.
I am loving the Chelsea Flower Show right now, I would love to go but always forget until I see it on TV when all the tickets have already been sold. There has been a lot of Military Action in the skies today, not the usual rescue helicopters. Back to my garden and things are quite quiet. Just a few birds on the feeder but no mammals showing themselves. There are loads of insects about, especially Orange Tip Butterflies but I still not managed a photo of them. Tonight I went to my friends Chris and Penny's house to see their new garden members. They purchased a camera for their nest box and last week 8 (we think) eggs hatched. They have it on a live feed onto their huge TV so the Blue Tits look a foot tall. Amazing to watch them so close up. I'm never that organised to set something like that up in time. Always remember when its too late. My veg is doing amazingly, my strawberries are covered in flowers and my potato plant looks incredibly healthy. Something has been nibbling the edge of my Pak Choi. My Peas and Tomato's are both flowering now too.

1 comment:

  1. Shame on the man from Reading - which is where I live so I hope he's not one of my neighbours!
