Tuesday 30 March 2010

Buzzards fill their talons

With all the severe weather warnings in force today I was really surprised to be out in the garden during a few moments of sunshine. It didn't last long but it was long enough for me to see a pair of Buzzards chasing each other as one had managed to get what looked like lambs after-birth in his talons. You don't get to see things like that every day, let alone have a camera ready, so I was really pleased myself, even though the photo's quite blurry. Yesterday I treated myself to a Chimnea for the garden. I wanted one last year but they were too expensive and I had only just got the firepit so couldn't really justify it. But yesterday I went into a shop and they had one left and were selling it off for only £29.99! I couldn't believe it so snapped it up and luckily managed to squeeze it in the car. I think it was last years model that they were clearing out in time for this years delivery but I don't mind as its just perfect for me. I've seen so many cheap ones with doors that look wonky or made of ceramic which wouldn't last long in my wild garden. This one is made of cast iron and I think, really looks the part. I did light it but its hard to see the full effect until its dark so I'm hoping the rain which is now pouring down will cease later so I can go out and have another play. It's even got a bit to cook on. can you tell I love it :-) The crows are being very mischevious at the moment. I spotted this one pulling the fleece straight from this poor sheeps back. This other one was flying and attacking its own reflection in next doors window. I've been noticing the patterns the sheep trails are leaving on the grass, I bet it looks amazing from the air. This part looks like a tree, I reckon. The trunk is where the gap in the wall is and then the branches spreading out above in each direction. Ok maybe you need to be here :-) The field was full of what I think is a flock of Meadow Pipits today. At a glance you can't see anything but if you focus on one spot then you slowly see lots of little brown things moving around in the grass. The Blue Tits are coming into full breading colours now.

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