Saturday 23 January 2010

Chinese Lanterns and Otters

I've had such lovely time yesterday. I'm lucky enough to have two very special friends who live in a zoo. Not just a mad house but a real zoo, with Tigers, Bears and Penguins etc. It was such a privilege to be able to walk around at dusk and see the animals without the rest of the crowds. Their Otters have just had four babies. I was so lucky to be able so see them close up as they fed and played in the pond. I know it's not the garden but I just have to show you just how cute these Otters are. Then last night I did something I've wanted to do for ages. Myself, my best friend Shaun and Alan went out into the field in front of the garden and lit a Chinese lantern. I never realised how big they were until I opened the packet. They must be at least three foot high. Once lit it took a few minutes for the heat to fill the paper but then the lantern started to float and glided gently up into the night sky. We watched it for ages until it was the size of pin head shining amongst the stars. We all ended up with stiff neck's but it was worth it.Thank you for all the lovely comments messages, I love it when a new one appears. In answer to one of the messages about the little Chaffinch with deformed legs: He first appeared around March time last year. If you scroll back through the blog to May 22nd 2009, you'll see him pictured there. He is an amazing little chap.


  1. I love otters, beautiful animals. There used to be a man in London who took one around on a lead, on the Tube etc. It didn't seem distressed, but I was worried about it. As for the Chinese lantern, if you lived round here you'd be hearing of people ringing the police now about UFOs!

  2. Wow! The Chaffinch with deformed legs must be a determined little fella :) You are very lucky to be able to watch him and thank-you for sharing that experience :)
