Friday 21 August 2009

Butterflies, Bats and Hedgehogs

My mum and her friend Margaret came over to see me this evening. As we were walking down the driveway for a stroll through the woods, Margaret spotted this little butterfly on the track. At first I thought it was a fritillary of some sort but on closer inspection I think its actually a 'Wall Brown'. It's disappeared from many areas now and these days your more likely to see them on grassy coasts not 700ft up in the mountains of Snowdonia. On our walk through the woods we came across several Rowan trees just bursting with berries.
And this is the reason for the evening visit from my mum and Margaret. They really wanted to come and watch the hedgehogs.
Oh news on the bat front. Its definitely a Horseshoe bat but the jury is still out on whether its a Greater or a Lesser. I've spoken to the guys at the London head office of the Bat Conservation Organisation and they were very excited at the discovery. They even asked if they could use the photographs I took. They are sending some people over from the Gwynedd Bat Group, who'll will be able to say for certain what it is using their nifty gadget box.


  1. This is one of the best blogs I have seen in a long time.
    You have the fattest squirrels in the UK!!!!
    Looks like a badger had your wasps?
    How does that rabbit survive the fox I wonder, he looks well content. Smashing.

  2. I think the seed picture you could not identify is 'New Zealand willow Herb, that is the name given to it here in Devon, will go and look up its proper name though. LOL
    Thanks for this lovely blog.
