Thursday, 10 June 2010

Butterfly Eggs

It looks like the tireless Large White Butterfly that I was watching for hours the other day finally got her wish and some how got through the netting on my Pak Choi and laid some eggs. Part of me was quite happy as I found the Pak Choi I tasted yesterday totally disgusting. But I do have a confession, I thought a Pak Choi was a lettuce and not a cabbage (now my hair is growing back I can say its a blond moment again hehehe). No wonder it tasted so foul raw. I did try to steam some today to give it another go but I still didn't like. I think I'll dig them all up and plant them in my wild bit for the wildlife to enjoy. It will give me some more space to plant some more veggie's too in their place. A Heron braved the rain as he flew above the garden to get to the river. The garden has been quite quiet so I had a gentle walk up the hillside, where I spotted this poor sheep with a length of barbed wire stuck to him. I did try and get it off but I couldn't keep up with her. Hopefully the farmer can use his dogs tomorrow and get it off her. On my walk I spotted this unusual thing, a slug on a thistle? Why was he there? The leaves looked in tact, but I suppose he could have been feeding, safe from the birds. There were lots of insects about especially Midges, gosh they were bad today. I saw some Rabbits on my walk but wasn't quick enough with my camera. I'll have to wait for the babies to come to the garden, which they usually do in the summer. The Thistles are just about to flower. I was sat in my Dr's waiting room today and was browsing through the magazines when I found a fantastic article on Swifts. Did you know, apart from when they are nesting, they never stop flying. In order to sleep, they fly 10,000 feet up and have mini power naps as the glide back down to earth asleep. They can wake up 50 miles away from were they fell asleep. Amazing. Just watched Springwatch, maybe the Woodpeckers got my Blue Tit chicks!

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