Thursday, 29 April 2010

Poor Mr No Tail

Today was the complete opposite at the bird feeder. Its been non stop with the most beautifully coloured birds imaginable. But before I go into all that, late last night I sneaked out and came across these two, foraging around on the bank. Even though she was hiding behind this garden bucket, I could still see the outside light shining on the sharp teeth of one of them as they munched on a slug. This one managed to get away.Back to the bird table, well you name the most colourful birds in the UK and most of them were here. We had the Woodpeckers and a pair of Nuthatches. We saw 17 Siskins at one point today along with 4 Goldfinches and the Robins. On a sad and worrying note I saw Mr No Tail today and he was in a very bad way. The Crows were chasing him constantly, whether that was because he is badly injured and they could smell dinner or if it was them who caused the injury, I dont know but either way its pretty horrid. Mr No Tails leg is literally hanging off. He flew off and it just dangled there like a piece of string. He was struggling to just stand on the bush. I don't know how he is going to survive as the wound is quite big and especially with the Crows attacking him every time he tries to fly. There's been some weird noises outside today as well. Like a cross between a Buzzard and a Jay screeching. It went on most of the afternoon and I haven't a clue what was making it.

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