I've been honoured today with great views of our Greater Spotted Woodpecker. Usually he prefers the feeder next door but today he was pecking away at an old branch just in front of my window.
Our Siskins are back. They turn up every now and again, maybe for a day or two but they're soon off and we might not see them again for months. This one little chappy had a feather which was on the verge of falling out. I watched him for ages hoping it would so I could add it to my collection. But it never did.
I has a shock of my life this morning when I looked out the window and saw a pheasant on the birdtable. I've told him he can stay as long as he likes, if it keeps him safe from the local farmers.
Its been a glorious day here and I was having lunch in the garden when I noticed this little black headed bird. I have to admit I wasn't quite sure what it was to start off with but it looked like a bunting of some sorts. I took plenty of photos and when I got my bird books out later, it was indeed a little Reed Bunting. I think he may have drifted slightly off course on his migration to end up here in Capel Curig. He stayed a full 24 hours.
Its taken them much longer than I'd expected but the squirrels have finally found a way to climb the bird feeder pole. I have to admit they're not the most intelligent of Squirrels, not like the ones you see on TV doing the amazing feats and tasks. Mine have still yet to figure out how to simply lift the top off the nut holder to get their dinner.
Bunting, Reed
Buzzard (in flight) Chaffinch
Cormorant (in flight)
Cuckoo (in flight)
Fieldfare (in flight)
Flycatcher, Spotted
Goose, Canada (in flight)
Goosander (in flight)
Gull, Common (in flight)
Heron, Grey (in flight)
Mallard (in flight)
Martin, House
Merganser (in flight)
Owl, Barn
....... Tawny
Peregrine (in flight)
Pipet, Meadow (in flight)
Pigeon, Wood
Raven (in flight)
Redwing (in flight)
Skylark (in flight)
Sparrow, House
Swift (in flight)
Thrush, Mistle
Tit, Blue
Wagtail, Grey
Warbler, Willow
Woodpecker, Great Spotted
....................Green (in flight)
Other Species
(This list could take a while)
Bat, Pipistrelle Bee, Common Carder Blue Bottle, Butterfly, Tortoiseshell ..............Painted Lady ..............Peacock ..............Red Admiral ..............Small White Click Beetle Cockchafer Cranefly Criomorphus Damselfly, common blue Earthworms Flesh Fly Fox Garden Chafer Gnat Greenbottle Harvestmen Hedgehog Hoverfly, Greater Bulb-fly Javesella Ladybird, 7 spot Longhorn Beetle, two banded Mole Moth, Aethes tesserana .........Garden Tiger .........Elachista Argentella .........Micopterix calthella .........White Ermine .........White Plume Mouse, House ...........Wood Rabbit Rhagonycha fulva Sheep! Shrew Slow-worm Slug, Budapest ........Large Black ........Yellow Snail, Brown Lipped .........Garden Spider, Garden Squirrel, Grey Stoat Toad, Common Tortoise Beetle Vole, Bank ........Field Wasp, Weasel Woodlice
(This list is going to take even longer!)
Ash Blackthorn Black current Bluebells Bracken Bramble Bugle Buttercups Cocksfoot Common Dog Violet Corn Spurrey Clover Crocus Daffodils Daisy Dandilion Dock Foxglove Goat Willow Gorse Hairy Bitter-Cress Harebell Hawthorn Herb Robert Larch London Pride Montbretia Nettles Oak Orange Hawkweed Poppy, Welsh Privet Ribwort Plantain Rosebay Willowherb Saxifrage, Meadow Snowdrops Speedwell, Thyme-Leaved Stitchwort Thistle Vetch, Common